Welcome to Canadian TREE FUND

Do you have something to offer in the arboriculture industry?

Apply for our grants, scholarships or bursaries or donate today.

Jack Kimmel Grant

Deadline for applications: 11:59 PM (Eastern Time) on November 30th

This grant is available for Canadian applicants only.

Applicants in the US and around the world can apply to the International Jack Kimmel Grant

This grant is awarded nationwide for projects promoting arboriculture research and education in Canada. Individuals and/or agencies are invited to submit proposals for consideration.

Harold Van Dyke Bursary

Deadline for applications: 11:59 PM on January 31st

The individual must be enrolled in a college or university program related to arboriculture. Registered apprentices attending college programs in Arboriculture are encouraged to apply.

The Harold Van Dyke Bursary provides up to $1,000 funding for a student pursuing a career in arboriculture in Canada.

Randy Lidkea Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a third year student at the Niagara School of Horticulture who has achieved the highest cumulative marks in the following courses that align with the principles of arboriculture: soil science, tree identification and practical tree maintenance.

The award is presented each year at the graduation ceremony by Randy or his designate.

Wenda Li Ontario Tree Climbing Championships Bursary

This bursary is awarded to a first-time female Ontario Tree Climbing Championship competitor and is intended to encourage women to participate in the Championship.

Learn About the People Behind our Grants, Bursaries and Scholarships

Jack Kimmel

Jack Kimmel was truly one of the forefathers of arboriculture in this country

Jack’s long and very successful career in arboriculture began back in 1956 when he joined the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), then known as the International Shade Tree Conference. His membership lasted a span of 46 years until his death in July of 2002. In addition to being the Director of Parks for the City of Toronto until his retirement in 1982, Jack held many prominent positions with ISA. In 1961 he was elected President of the then Board of Governors for the Canadian Chapter. In 1970 he was elected President of the International Shade Tree Conference after holding positions as President Elect, Vice President and Chair of several steering committees. In 1982 Jack became the first Executive Director of the Canadian Chapter of ISA, a position he held until 1994.

Over the course of all these voluntary commitments, Jack was recognized with many distinguished awards including ISA’s Maple Leaf Award honouring an individual who has provided exceptional energy, leadership and commitment to promoting and improving arboriculture and urban forestry for more than 10 years; the Special Achievement Award, recognizing someone who has provided valuable and ongoing service to the Chapter; ISA’s Honourary Life Member Award; and the Award of Merit, ISA’s highest level of distinction.

Harold Van Dyke
Image: Logo of Harold VanDyke Tree Care

History of the Harold VanDyke Bursary

Harold was the owner of Van Dyke Tree & Landscape Ltd. and a long-standing ISA/ISAO member. He was President in 1969 and received the Supporting Membership Award in 1995. Harold was very active in commercial arborist matters throughout the province. He passed away suddenly in 1997. His son Larry carries on the business today. Among other passions, Harold loved to help young people, especially arboriculture students. Besides vocally pushing for more and better courses, he quietly helped students in need financially. Although never on the board of the Canadian TREE Fund (then called the ISA Canadian Research Trust), the Ontario Commercial Arborists’ Association (OCAA) donated money in his name and asked that a special bursary be established through CTF.

Randy Lidkea

History of the Randy Lidkea Scholarship

The Canadian TREE Fund honoured and acknowledged Randy Lidkea by establishing an award in his name in 2007 to recognize his long term devotion to the industry. He has made remarkable accomplishments, as a person, a mentor and a committed advocate of the arboriculture profession as well as the ISA organization.

Randy had a successful career with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation; was Executive Director of the Ontario Chapter for seven years and the chapter’s ISA representative; Secretary-Treasurer for the Canadian TREE Fund from 1996 to 2005; and in 2007, was one of five ISA vice presidents. He has always been devoted to his family and volunteer activities. Randy would generally be described as generous, honest, devoted, dependable and never too busy to provide help or assistance to someone in need.Randy has been a role model and inspiration to many and is truly deserving of this distinction.

Randy graduated from the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture in 1967, so it is most fitting that his college of choice for this award be his alma mater. The award is presented to a third year student who achieves the highest cumulative marks in the following courses that align with the principles of arboriculture: soil science, tree identification and practical tree maintenance. Randy, or his designate, presents this scholarship at the graduation ceremonies in March of each year.